Sunday, June 9, 2019

Answer those question regarding to wall street journal Essay

Answer those question regarding to wall street journal - Essay ExamplePass secretaries, positive by the chairperson, help, or advise him or her on how best to carries out official duties. Their mandates outlined in the constitution are to act in the presidents subject matter within their areas of responsibility. As provided in the constitution, concerning the assignment of duty by the president, no decision shall require unprecedented authorization.Permanent campaign refers to reforms in American political relation from old technique patronage of party machines system to contemporary use of the media and political consultants. The shift influences modern politics in a way that politicians incessantly make rational and informed decision that promote unrestricted participation in strategy agenda. Permanent campaign theory emphasize on public approval of political leaders, contrary to party affiliations as a governance strategy.The background of a president greatly relates to level of executive performance during their marches in office. Background influence emanated from judicial powers bestowed upon an American president to make autonomous decisions. In the first place, the president has executive privilege that allows him to withhold from telltale(a) any communications made directly to him in exercising administrative duties. The second is state secrets privilege to withhold information in legal proceedings. The presidents background can cause him to use privileges to perform executive duties.The key point of multiple advocacies is influencing public opinion and resource allocation choices not only in political spheres but also in economic and social fields and organizations. It is a mixed form of system because it has many activities similar media campaigns, public dialogue, ordering, and issuing

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